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Indiana Institute for Prosthetics

4 North Main Street

Whitestown, IN 46075

317-873-1600 p


Indiana Institute for Prosthetics focuses on pain-free prosthetic design.  Our custom design process and patient-focused approach will provide you with the most comfortable fitting prosthetic device you have ever worn, or you do not pay a dime.



The Demand for Perfection is the Beginning of Hope


We realize there are lots of choices for prosthetic care in the Indianapolis area (and around the country) which can sometimes make the decision-making process confusing and difficult for patients. Rather than bombard you with marketing hype, we prefer to have an honest conversation with you and show you how we are different. We invite you to have a seat, and navigate our website; see the true difference in our education, our training, and our techniques. These assets allow us to offer a simple but industry-transforming, Comfort Guarantee; letting our patients know that they have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“A patient is guaranteed to be more comfortable and functional in a prosthesis made at the Indiana Institute for Prosthetics than a prosthesis they have received at any other facility in the US or abroad. A patient will have no financial obligations to the Indiana Institute for Prosthetics if he/she feels that our initial prototype system is not vastly superior in comfort and function to their previous prosthesis.”

Read a testamonial or watch a video (above) that is representative of the care we provide here and the difference that it can make in someone’s life. Realize, that when living with limb loss, it is your right to be comfortable in a prosthesis and have a professional; a perfectionist, completely focused on your comfort and function. We are excited to meet you!

The day I met Matt Habecker, a little over a year and a half ago… I didn’t know it at the time, but it was one of those moments in one’s life that, only on reflection, made a major impact on my life. In the forty plus years of being a left leg AK amputee, I had dealt with several prosthetists. The thought of dealing with a new prosthetist…again, was not without some trepidation. There’s always a “breaking in” period that has to be dealt with between the caregiver and the patient. I had already made up my mind not to expect too much, and the extremely youthful appearance of Matt Habecker didn’t do much toward building my confidence.

But then, Matt kind of took over. With the tone of voice of someone who was used to being taken seriously, he started asking me a lot of questions to better understand what I was looking for. We talked about my age (71)…. he asked a lot of questions about what my concerns were, how active I was. I told him I was an avid golfer and would be really happy if he could get me an extra 20 yards on my drives. He said that he would keep that in mind. The fact that I had a stump length of only about 10 inches with a vertical scar running down the back that always caused serious concern in the past didn’t seem to faze Matt at all.

On top of all that, my good leg was only operating at about 60 % of what it was before the accident. The knee only bent 70 to 80 degrees and my right foot pointed to about two o’clock instead of a more natural 1 o’clock exacerbated an already difficult problem. Matt was not concerned. He said that he would never let me walk out of his clinic until I was totally satisfied. He expressed confidence that he not only could give me what I was looking for, but more. He was looking forward to the challenge.

When Matt brought out my prosthesis the very first time….just by looking at it….I told Matt that it was never going to work. It didn’t look anything like what I had ever seen before and I just couldn’t believe this was going to work. I just knew I was going to fall down when I stood up, and walking to the end of the room was going to be very awkward.

Totally unfazed by my initial reaction, Matt said, “We’ll never know until you put it on, stand for a minute or two and we’ll see how it goes.” The experience from that point on was almost a spiritual feeling. I stood. I walked. And never felt so confident and comfortable in the 40 years as an amputee. I played golf that weekend and didn’t experience any pain or discomfort the whole day. It was as if I had been walking around for 40 years with a small pebble in my shoe and all of a sudden the pebble was removed.

That is when I started calling Matt, the “Leonardo Da Vinci” of modern prosthetists.

I have told Matt that I would be available by phone or in person to meet and talk with any patient who asked for a reference. He is really the best at his trade that I have ever come across.

~Jerry Q Retired USMC

”We get it. We realize that living with limb loss is hard enough. The truth is, most patients with limb loss, don’t always know what to expect and what options are actually available to them. It can be common for patients to settle for “getting used to” an ill-fitting prosthesis instead of enjoying one that has been meticulously designed to insure the highest possible levels of comfort and function. We encourage our patients to have extremely high expectations for their care and are here to help them realize their full functional potential.“ 

- Matthew Habecker MS, CPO

Clinical Director - Indiana Institute for Prosthetics

As we all know, the quality of the care we receive anywhere simply comes down to the experience and training of the hands actually providing the service.  If you are serious about finally getting comfortable in a prosthesis or simply wanting a second opinion, please know that our doors are open for people just like you.  Our patients usually come to us after being frustrated by the care they have received elsewhere and ready to finally move forward with real comfort and real function in a prosthesis.


Check out Jonathin’s Story


We are excited to meet you!