The Demand for Perfection is the Beginning of Hope
We realize there are lots of choices for prosthetic care in the Indianapolis area (and around the country) which can sometimes make the decision-making process confusing and difficult for patients. Rather than bombard you with marketing hype, we prefer to have an honest conversation with you and show you how we are different. We invite you to have a seat, and navigate our website; see the true difference in our education, our training, and our techniques. These assets allow us to offer a simple but industry-transforming, Comfort Guarantee; letting our patients know that they have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Read a testamonial or watch a video (above) that is representative of the care we provide here and the difference that it can make in someone’s life. Realize, that when living with limb loss, it is your right to be comfortable in a prosthesis and have a professional; a perfectionist, completely focused on your comfort and function. We are excited to meet you!
”We get it. We realize that living with limb loss is hard enough. The truth is, most patients with limb loss, don’t always know what to expect and what options are actually available to them. It can be common for patients to settle for “getting used to” an ill-fitting prosthesis instead of enjoying one that has been meticulously designed to insure the highest possible levels of comfort and function. We encourage our patients to have extremely high expectations for their care and are here to help them realize their full functional potential.“
- Matthew Habecker MS, CPO
Clinical Director - Indiana Institute for Prosthetics