Matt Habecker
Mr. Habecker has a rich and diversified background in prosthetics that formally began in 1997; The dream of creating what is now the Indiana Institute for Prosthetics, has been with him ever since-
Meet Matt Habecker
Matthew Habecker MS, CPO; Founder and CEO
Any type of business starts with a person; and starts with a dream. The Indiana Institute for Prosthetics was founded by Matthew Habecker, American Board Certified Prosthetist, from a passion to provide an advanced level of excellence in Prosthetic care. Mr. Habecker has a rich and diversified background in prosthetics that formally began in 1997; The dream of creating what is now the Indiana Institute for Prosthetics, has been with him ever since-
Growing up in Indiana and later educated at Harding University in Searcy, AR , Mr. Habecker received a liberal arts education and explored classes in art, science and business. An inventor since childhood, his interests in engineering and design later became focused on prosthetics following his undergraduate work.
Mr. Habecker’s foundational education in prosthetics began at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center where he received his Certificate in Prosthetics/Orthotics and his Bachelor of Science Degree. He later was privileged to serve as a faculty member in the Department of Prosthetics/Orthotics at the University of Virginia and participate in their rich, multidisciplinary approach to patient care. During his time at UVA, Mr. Habecker began his work on a Master’s Degree at the world’s gold standard for prosthetic education, University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. (only graduate in the Midwest). This graduate education provided a new set of engineering tools and approaches to further expand the scope and capabilities of Mr. Habecker’s diverse clinical practice with both upper and lower limb amputees.
Over time, Mr. Habecker has had the privilege of working at other amazing clinical and institutional settings; most notably, with his friend and mentor, Ron Junttonen, C.P. at Prosthetic Center in Lansing, MI. Mr. Habecker has taught and lectured in different venues across the country, and is particularly honored to have helped design the guest lecturer series for Upper and Lower Limb Prosthetics at the Indiana University Doctor of Physical Therapy program. - All of the rich experiences gained over time, have now been focused into Mr. Habecker’s career long dream; creating a world class center for those with limb loss; The Indiana Institute for Prosthetics.
Mr. Habecker’s background information is critical to understanding who we are and why we exist. As we all know, the quality of the care we receive anywhere simply comes down to the experience and training of the hands actually providing the service. If you are serious about finally getting comfortable in a prosthesis or simply wanting a second opinion, please know that our doors are open for people just like you. Our patients usually come to us after being frustrated by the care they have received elsewhere and ready to finally move forward with real comfort and real function in a prosthesis.
Our partnerships with the Indiana University and the University of Indianapolis Physical Therapy Departments are quiet evidence of our commitment to quality care and a mutual respect for rehabilitation excellence in the community. We invite you or your loved ones to visit us in person and ultimately experience the truly advanced level of care that is offered here.
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