Our Custom Design Technique
The most important part of a prosthesis is the socket; the part that the patient actually puts their residual arm or leg into to make it function. It is crucial that the prosthetic socket is thoughtfully designed and engineered to insure that the entire prosthesis is functional and absolutely comfortable to wear. We encourage the patient to demand perfection because we demand it from ourselves. Our sockets, and the techniques we use to make them are what set us apart…
Here’s how it works:
Patient Evaluation. Comprehensive physical evaluation and assessment of a patient’s goals and expectations allows us to provide a complete picture of what is possible with a state of the art prosthesis. All immediate questions are answered at this stage and patient is fully educated about our entire process.
Molding process. Our unique, hand casting and water casting techniques (we are a Symphonie VC Certified Facility) employ sound biomechanical principles and allow us to have tactile feedback from the patient’s limb. We will literally sculpt a model of a patient’s limb out of plaster (from the hand or water casted mold) and shape it according to scientific and intuitive approaches.
Test socket process. We appreciate the engineering principles that make a prosthetic project truly successful ( Force/pressure equations, moment arms, second moment of area, static equilibrium, etc.) and incorporate them into each test socket we build. Our patients have the chance to trial these test sockets at home to insure that they fit and function properly in every environment. We do not consider building a final socket system until the patient is completely satisfied with the test (prototype) system.
Final socket system. The best combinations of materials (Carbon fiber, Kevlar, Aluminum, Titanium etc.) will be used to perfect the final prosthetic system. The delivery process allows for further refinement and fine-tuning of the prosthesis with meticulous attention to detail – insuring that the patient is completely satisfied.
Follow up. We are here to be an ongoing resource for our patients. One to two weeks after final socket system is delivered we’ll have a follow up appointment to insure that all questions are answered and perform a quick set of assessments. We will continue to provide full support for our patients long after the delivery and enjoy watching them enjoy life and hearing their stories along the way.
We not only follow a distinct process but we are constantly re-inventing the approach to socket and component design.
Here are a few of our exclusive innovations:
Unique, two stage molding process for transfemoral (AK) sockets (Narrow ML design).
End and knee shock pads for transtibial (BK) sockets; ischial shock pads for transfemoral sockets.
“Power contour” for transfemoral sockets.
Dynamic socket for transfemoral amputees
SocketScape (Patent pending) contouring system for transfemoral amputees.
“Umbrella frame” for partial hand amputees.
Flexible forearm for transradial (BE) amputees.
“Active scapula” for high level arm/shoulder amputees.
Prototype torque absorber for transfemoral amputees. (Patent pending)
Prototype foot for all lower limb amputees. (Patent # 10874528)
VFX Infrared timing system (Patent pending)
Prototype ankle for all lower limb amputees. (Patent #6482236)
We have experience in fitting some of the most advanced prosthetic systems on the planet and work closely with the companies that develop them. A small sample is listed below:
Touch Bionics I-Limb hand
Touch Bionics I-Limb digit bionic finger systems
Otto Bock C-Leg , Genium and X2 Bionic knee systems
I-Walk BiOM bionic foot system
Freedom Innovations Plie microprocessor knee system